is a play on the main domain name, "Too Near the Edge".

The majority of the work I have done seems to fall in that category. Pushing the technical limit by going far enough to loose marketability. With this in mind, it is time to hold on, relax and take a deep breath.

So "2Near the Edge" is an attempt to have some fun and share with you some of the work and fun things I have done. So much of the time I spend on the Internet is doing programming for clients and I am looking forward to doing something for just the sure joy of it.

I have many plans for this site and will be adding to it as time permits. Please place a bookmark on this page and check back periodically. Listed below are the areas currently active.

John Kostura

What's New - 4/11/2018
Art Exhibit
An art exhibit of original art including ceramics, clay art and original sketches.

Clay and Sketch Art

Sketch "The Seer"
Sketch "Red Cloud"
Sketch "The Maiden"

Labyrinth Cross
Soft Clay Sculpture
Fragrance Burners
Thrown Clay Bowls
VariColor Clay Bowls

A unique collection of popular freeware and shareware programs.

Program Summaries

Numerology Calculator Select
Free Numerology Calculator
Numerology Healing Tones
Free Cabalistic Oracle
Free Mayan Calendar Calculator
Free Mayaonic Calculator
Free Jeweler's Assistant

Free BP Oil Spill Calculator

Free Jeweler's Assistant Software

Areas of research, intrests and insights.

TED Taliks
BP Oil Spill Magnitude
Sound Healing
Labyrinth Cross
Mayan Calendar
Cabalistic Oracle
PreDiluvial Earth
Contrails? OKC
Edge World

Thoughts and opinions.

Pretending & Dots
September 11, 2001
Gore vs Bush
MP3 & CD Industry
MS Innovations?
God's Special Gift

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